
November 18, 2007

The Speedwagon

I went to visit some friends this last weekend and ended up briefly fearing for my very life 30 miles away.

Long story short I ended up getting bored, so we left to go out and about. We ended up in Bellingham, home of WWU, just after last call at the bars. We decided to hunt for after parties.

Even though we didn't find any we decided to head to a nearby grocery to grab a few beers so we would be prepared.

Walking along, (actually we were all running like fiends, uphill no less) eventually we were surprised, (and out of breath) by a car coming to an abrupt and sliding stop on the street next to us.

She called out, "want a ride boys", or something like that.

We all agreed sure and hopped in the car.

Criminy sakes alive.

We proceeded to accelerate up to as much as seventy miles per hour between stop signs. When an ally would serve the purpose of the streets we would bombard down them. Trash cans and improperly parked cars whizzing by, dangerously close to sides of the vehicle. We ran stop signs and red lights.

We were cascaded all the while by a cornucopia of audio. Twisted Sister, Biggie, Luda, and several as yet unidentified artists and bands were screaming with us while our impromptu cabbie danced like a madwoman in the front seat. How she managed to control her vehicle I couldn't guess.

Several sliding stops later we reached our destination and escaped, foot to pavement, into the night.

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